Alexander McQueen leaves thousands to his pet dogs in his will
A dog's life: Alexander McQueen left 50,000 to his three English bull terriers
What a generous man the late Alexander Lee McQueen turns out to have been. Before he hanged himself last year, he clearly gave careful and kindly thought to the disposal of his 16million fortune.
His will shows that charities have done very nicely. So, too, have his two long-serving housekeepers, each the richer by a cool 50,000, and each, no doubt, thrilled to learn about it.But I wonder how they felt when they also learned they have inherited exactly the same sum from Mr McQueen as... his pet dogs.
The fashion designer is not, of course, the first wealthy person to indulge a beloved pet with a legacy. In 1931, American heiress Ella Wendel left her pet poodle 15million quite a few bob in those days. In 1996, actress Beryl Reid left her 1million home to her cats, and in 1999 London bookshop owner Christina Foyle left each of her five cats 20,000 a year for upkeep.
Nor will McQueen be the last. Oprah Winfrey who, frankly, Id have thought would be smarter has already let it be known that her dogs will inherit 30million if she beats them to the great feeding bowl in the sky. Woof, woof!
It is, of course, these peoples own money, and theirs to throw away as they see fit.
But even if you knew how to spend such fortunes on an animal (emerald-crusted collars, perhaps?), it wouldnt make doing so any less obscene.
Please do not misunderstand; Im as much of a sucker for pets as anyone. Somebody once even called me a dog whisperer after I had tamed a neighbours previously uncontrollable hound and he then developed an absurd, if touching, crush on me.
At home, we have a sweet little clever cat and two enormous lurchers; gloriously soppy critters, without a functioning brain cell between them. I love them dearly, and I can prove it.
Every mornin! g, come frost or shine, my first task is to trot around the garden, tissues in hand, picking up the overnight mess and being nice about it. Before breakfast. If thats not love, I dont know what is.
Alexander McQueen, pictured in 2001, with one of this pet dogs JuiceAnd because I love them, and because I know a dog is not just for Christmas or even just for life (my life, that is), I can imagine making provision for them after Ive gone: for the poncy top-end range of dog food they like, the costly veterinary insurance and so forth.But tens of thousands, even if I had that much to give? Absolutely not.
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- Fashion designer Alexander McQueen leaves 50,000 of 16m fortune for his beloved dogs