Abortion: Mail writer's investigation into counselling services poses disturbing questions

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Investigation: Jenny Stocks visited six abortion advice centres, but found that Choices was the only one that gave balanced advice

Investigation: Jenny Stocks visited six abortion advice centres, but found that Choices was the only one that gave balanced advice

Regardless of your moral stance, deciding whether to terminate an unwanted pregnancy must surely rank as one of the most difficult dilemmas a woman can face.

At a time when a woman feels at her most confused and vulnerable, it is vital she has access to clear, impartial advice, so that she can reach a decision which, either way, will stay with her for the rest of her life.

For years, campaigners have expressed fears that pregnant women have only been able to seek advice from abortion providers, who are running profit-making businesses, or from pro-life groups, who tend to encourage keeping a baby, no matter what the circumstances.

The issue is due to come before Parliament this week, when Tory backbencher Nadine Dorries will ask for the biggest shake-up of abortion laws for 20 years. Under the proposed changes, abortion clinics will be told to offer free access to independent counselling run on separate premises by a group which does not carry out abortions.

The move is designed to give women a breathing space before going ahead with a termination. Pro-life organisations say it could cut the abortion rate in the UK by 60,000 a year (nearly a third). But abortion charities say the move would simply lead to thousands of delayed terminations, which are more risky for mothers.

But can the current situation really be that b! ad? To f ind out, I posed as a terrified pregnant young woman unsure of what to do, and sought counselling.

What happened next left me confused and traumatised and Im not even pregnant. I discovered that vulnerable women are being given advice that is both biased and manipulative and could easily make them feel pressured into making a decision they will regret later.

At present, a woman seeking an abortion must simply undergo a medical consultation. She is not required to have counselling, but can seek it if she wants it.

The leading private abortion clinics Marie Stopes International and the British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) both provide such counselling, but are paid per abortion, which hardly promotes independence. On the other hand, charitable and religious services have been accused of manipulating women into keeping their babies.

I had barely started my investigation when I discovered that those advising vulnerable women were not legally required to obtain training. And there are no Government regulations covering what should or shouldnt be said in these sessions.

I made appointments at six centres using the same story: I was 26 years old, 12 to 16 weeks pregnant, I hadnt told my boyfriend and I couldnt decide whether to have an abortion or keep the baby.

So, what kind of service should I have been offered? According to Phillip Hodson, of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), it is essential that pre-abortion counselling is freely available, independent, unbiased and ethical.

Bulldozed: Jenny says the advice!   given b y Mary Stopes seemed to push her towards starting the abortion process and that she had to insist that she had counselling

Jenny says the advice given by Mary Stopes seemed to push her towards starting the abortion process and that she had to insist that she had counselling

But, he adds: Counsellors should never give advice. Pressuring a client to a particular course of action is fundamentally unethical and a contradiction of our profession.

My first call was to Marie Stopes, a nationwide network of sexual health clinics that provide private and NHS abortions. They claim to allow women access to comprehensive, impartial and non-judgmental information and all counsellors are members of BACP.

On the phone, the operator repeatedly tried to book me in for a medical assessment, the first step to getting an abortion despite me stressing that I hadnt yet made up my mind.

I felt bulldozed into starting the termination process and had to insist on having counselling. In real life, a worried woman might have gone along with whatever she was told.

Shake-up: Nadine Dorries is leading a debate in Parliament this week on abortion, which could see the biggest change in laws for the past 20 years

Shake-up: Nadine Dorries is leading a debate in Parliament this week on abortion, which could see the biggest change in laws for the past 20 years

When contacted later, a Marie Stopes spokeswoman admitted their adviser was slower to understand the clients needs than we would have liked, but we are pleased that after contacting our One Call service, face-to-face counselling was provided.

That counselling session took place the next day in Bloomsbury, central London. It cost 80 for just 30 minutes, but would have been free had I been referred by my GP.

It quickly became apparent that my counsellor, Temi, was quite happy to ! influenc e my decisions. Her overwhelming advice was that I must tell my boyfriend, even though there is no legal requirement to do so.

She was openly disapproving when I said I hadnt spoken to him, and seemed reluctant to talk about any option other than termination. Theres a huge danger to your relationship, she said. If you did have an abortion without telling him...you could end up resenting him for something he knows nothing about.

Questioned about the size of the foetus, or the risks of infertility caused by abortion, she said Youll have to talk to a nurse about that, or I dont have the exact statistics.

Nevertheless, the message seemed very much to be that abortion was the best option. It goes against our very nature to have an abortion, she said. But we do things every day that go against our very nature.

This was followed by: You want what you want...is it worth having a child because you dont want to deal with a bit of guilt?

I asked about medical abortions (taking pills which encourage the foetus to be miscarried). She said they could leave a woman in agony but did not point out that, as a private clinic, Marie Stopes are not able to give a medical abortion after nine weeks.

The session came to an abrupt end after 29 minutes and I left not knowing the medical or emotional side-effects of abortion. Keeping the baby was not seen as an option at all. I thanked my lucky stars that I wasnt scared and pregnant for real.

The message seemed very much to be thatabortion was the best option. 'It goes against our very nature to have an abortion,' she said. 'But we do things every day that go against our very nature.'

My second session was with BPAS, the largest abortion provider in the UK. The appointment, in a terrace off Londons Tottenham Court Road, lasted 49 minutes and cost 65. It would have been free on the NHS with a GP referral.

Once I had admitted to my counsellor,Jane, that the baby was unplanned and that the timing wasnt right ! for me, she spent most of the session reassuring me that having an abortion was not selfish.

And she stressed that I had not met any of my expectations about what kind of mother I wanted to be (as I said I would ideally be married, older and living outside central London), and how there was no reason to feel guilty following an abortion if I felt Id made the right choice.

If youve done something that is the right decision, why be guilty, she told me, but then added: What Im not doing is persuading you that having an abortion is a good idea.

She gave me accurate information about how a termination would be performed, told me there should be little pain and explained how low-risk the procedure was.

Im not saying theres no pain or its a good idea, she explained. I just want to bring it down to a level where youre not so terrified of having an abortion that you might continue with the pregnancy even if you didnt want to.

She informed me, correctly, that I was under no legal obligation to tell my boyfriend, and was the only one of the six who broached the option of putting the child up for adoption.

Alone: Campaigners have expressed fears for many years that pregnant women are not receiving clear, impartial advice over abortions

Alone: Campaigners have expressed fears for many years that pregnant women are not receiving clear, impartial advice over abortions

We did discuss whether I could keep the baby, but she moved on fairly quickly when I explained my fears instead of reassuring me, as she did about abortion. I felt she could have explored the prospect of keeping the child far more thoroughly.

Janes session was slightly more detailed than Marie Stopes, but I felt she was still incredibly pro-abortion. This concerned me, because BPAS is where the majority of women referred by the NHS are sent.

I had ve! ry low e xpectations of my first faith-based session, not least because Id read countless reports of pregnant women being misled and misinformed.

So I was more than a little surprised when I met my counsellor Eileen from Choices Islington, one of around 140 independent centres affiliated with the large Christian charity CareConfidential.

After offering me a comfy chair and a cup of tea, she started by saying: What I can do is tell you what your options are. I cant tell you what to do: thats completely your decision.

And thats exactly what she did. Over the 50-minute session, she encouraged me to talk through my thoughts on continuing or terminating the pregnancy. She also provided detailed, accurate information about where I could go for an abortion and what it involved. Her only advice was that I made a decision soon, as I was already quite late on in the pregnancy.

'If you did have an abortion without telling him...you could end up resenting him for something he knows nothing about.'

Although its impossible to say whether every CareConfidential counsellor would be as balanced (the organisation is not a member of BACP), it was the first session I left feeling equipped to make my own decision. Had I really been pregnant, I would have considered keeping the baby, without feeling pressured to do so.

Sadly, the same couldnt be said of the last two appointments. The next was with independent charity City Pregnancy Counselling and Psychotherapy. On the website, there was no mention of Christian affiliation but, when I arrived, the building was adjacent to a Roman Catholic church.

The manager, Agnes, initially asked me, in a fair and balanced way, to picture what it would be like if I went ahead with the pregnancy, and if I had an abortion. She refused to answer any medical questions, saying they just stuck to the talking here. (A spokesman later confirmed: Our staff are not qualified to give medical advice.) But towards the end of the 44-minute session,! she cha nged tack.

Can you imagine having all that youve got and including the baby? Because it seems to me that you dont have to lose all that youve got, its just whether you want to include the child, she said. She carried on trying to explain how to keep my life as it was, but just add a little one into the equation.

I left feeling angry I may not yet be a parent, but even I know that a baby changes life dramatically. It might change for the better, but I felt it was wrong and nave to suggest it might not change at all.

Next, I made my way to my final appointment with LIFE. This pro-life Christian charity has 30 care centres and offers non-judgmental, non-directive advice from trained staff and volunteers, and accurate information when requested.

My appointment with the very friendly skilled listener Sheila left my head spinning and my body numb. I was subjected to 70 minutes of unrelenting interrogation and pressure.

I may not yet be a parent, but even I know that a baby changes life dramatically. It might change for the better, but I felt it was wrong and nave to suggest it might not changeat all.

For more than 20 minutes, Sheila asked a series of personal questions, ranging from where I went to university to the relationship status of my brothers and sisters.

It then became clear why she was asking so much about my parents and my boyfriends parents.

So your babys their first grandchild? she asked. She then dropped in an anecdote about a young couple whose five-week-old twins had brought so much joy after LIFE had helped them.

She talked about the baby as a proper little person, said she couldnt remember what the legal abortion limit was, and explained how she couldnt take me down the abortion route because our group has total respect for life from beginning to end.

She finished by telling me that I needed to tell my boyfriend tonight that I was pregnant and warning me about all the relationships that break up! because of abortion.

Like all the counsellors I saw, I truly believe Sheila cared about my wellbeing. But I felt manipulated. LIFE describes itself as non-directive (i.e. it wont tell you what to do), but my experience suggests the opposite. This is all the more disturbing given that my session with Choices Islington had shown that a Christian-based charity can give fair-minded, compassionate and balanced guidance.

In response, a LIFE spokesperson said: We take very seriously any suggestion that the excellent service normally provided has not been delivered. Some questions that are asked will inevitably be personal.

If we find that there is any foundation to what is being alleged, we shall take all necessary steps to ensure that our clients receive only the highest quality of service.

Interrogation: Jenny's experience at the Life clinic left her head spinning and involved a large number of personal questions about her family

Interrogation: Jenny's experience at the Life clinic left her head spinning and involved a large number of personal questions about her family

My sixth appointment, at the independent Albany Womens Centre in Londons Edgware Road, was cancelled because of staffing issues. The centre promised to call back, but never did. As far as they know, Im still pregnant, frightened and inching towards the 24-week legal abortion limit.

So was my experience typical of young women who have really been pregnant and uncertain?

From those I have spoken to, it seems sadly it is. One who agrees that the current service on offer is woefully inadequate is Catherine Stone, 31, a PR account manager from Surrey. She was six weeks pregnant when she had an abortion four years ago. It is a decision she regrets and one she puts down to the poor counselling she received.

I was in a stable relationship with my boyf! riend, w hos still my partner, but we didnt own our own house, she says. I panicked about my career and the effect a baby would have on my life. It was, frankly, a knee-jerk reaction and one I bitterly regret.

She received counselling at Marie Stopes but was so unhappy with her experience that she went on to have the abortion elsewhere.

The assumption by the counsellor was: Of course you are having an abortion this is your choice as a woman. No one, at any point, said to me: Are you sure about this? I wasnt given the chance to think about what I was doing it was quick, clinical, and I felt women were being herded towards the abortion table like cattle.

I blanked out the possibility of keeping the baby if Id had the support of a counsellor Im fairly sure that today Id have a child.

Catherine suffered from severe depression after her abortion.

As for me, the advice I received couldnt have been more disparate. But one things certain sitting face-to-face with a counsellor is incredibly influential.

And with abortion having become a burgeoning and, for some, lucrative business, stricter guidelines are urgently needed.


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