My haven: Rocker, Suzi Quatro invites us into the ego room at her Essex home (and no, its not on Devil Gate Drive!)
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I keep my favourite things in this room, like the miniature shoes Ive been collecting for the past ten years. Ive got about 50 pairs scattered around the house. I usually get them from America and they range from cowboy boots to Elton John-style platforms. They fascinate me, probably because I have cute little size 3 feet. Each pair costs 20 not too pricey which is good as Im always breaking them.
My granddaughter Amy got me this little vase a couple of years ago and the inscription reads, If grandmas were flowers Id pick you, which brought tears to my eyes. Shes ten now and a total joy. Shes my daughter Lauras little girl and I was there when she was born I was the second person to hold her. She loves the fact that Im a rock chick she says it gives her some kudos at school.
The brilliant Brazilian artist Romero Britto painted this portrait of me for my 50th birthday and everyone thinks it captures me perfectly complicated, emotional and never boring. Im fine with how I look Im 61 now and the years have been kind to me. I jog every day but I havent had plastic surgery though thats not to say if one day I look in the mirror and go Ugh! I wont have something done.
My dad Art gave me this Fender guitar when I was 14. He was a musician
himse! lf. I jo ined an all-girl band in Detroit and, although I was a pianist and drummer, I was asked to play bass because no one else wanted to. When I strapped it on, it fit me as good as my leathers. At the first gig we played, I looked out at the audience and thought, This is what Im going to be doing for the rest of my life.
Ive got more than 600 pairs of Ray-Ban sunglasses, from 1950s originals to newer models. I have them on the wall like opticians do so I can pick out a pair that goes with my outfit. I had around 30 pairs, then my husband Rainer started getting them for me as birthday and Christmas gifts. Weve been together since 1993 hes probably the only person Ive ever met who isnt intimidated by me.6 GOING FOR GOLD
Rolling Stone, my first single, was only a hit in Portugal, but when we recorded my second single, Can The Can, I got that hair-on-the-back-ofthe- neck feeling and I knew it would be huge. It topped the charts in the UK and Australia in 1973 and I got my first gold disc. When I heard it was number one I was with the band in some guesthouse. We were having a drink and the proprietor came in and ordered, Lights out!
As told to Simon Button. Suzis new album, In The Spotlight, is out on Monday.
Storage: Suzi Quatro keeps a collection of her special things in the 'ego' room at her Essex home
himse! lf. I jo ined an all-girl band in Detroit and, although I was a pianist and drummer, I was asked to play bass because no one else wanted to. When I strapped it on, it fit me as good as my leathers. At the first gig we played, I looked out at the audience and thought, This is what Im going to be doing for the rest of my life.
As told to Simon Button. Suzis new album, In The Spotlight, is out on Monday.