Always do your homework right

Packed your bags and ready to take off on a well-deserved vacation? Don't let carelessness come in way of a great holiday. Anishaa Sahijwala lists down small things which you should take care of to ensure that your holiday remains a memorable one.

As pleasant as the weather may seem, do not discount a sudden change in temperature. With recent bouts of rain in February, angry rain gods cannot be ignored! Dumping an umbrella in your bag would just do well! Rain or heat, it serves the purpose right? Also, carrying a sunscreen along with sunglasses would help you battle out the heat. Part of a perfect holiday also comprises wearing the 'right' thing. Obviously, what you wear would entirely depend on where you go! Destination beach? A nice pair of shorts, loose t-shirt and chappals would be 'cool'. If a hill station is your preferred getaway, then make sure you have good shoes and a sweatshirt to beat the extra-chill.

Unexpected delays can also occur. Carrying something that will keep you amused is a smart choice. Load your I-pod with your favorite songs, carry that novel which you always wanted to read or carry those board games that you loved as a child. An instant mood lift, wherever you are!

Even if you don't need one, a first-aid kit equips you for any emergency. Investing in a mini firstaid kit from the chemist is a sensible option. Make sure you have a spare tyre and a tool kit in your car incase your car decides to act pricey! Plastic bags have an uncanny feature of being both useful and difficult to find, just when you need it the most! Make sure you have some handy. Also, carry some munchies along just in case.

Traveling is a lot of fun. And if you're well equipped, it just makes it that much better! Bon Voyage!


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