Women Posting Pregnancy Test Results Live on YouTube

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Womb-Tube videos spill the pregnancy beans live online. Credit: Getty Images

Nothing does the trick of getting the news out about a pregnancy like inviting the world into your bathroom, capturing "the moment" on a webcam and then sharing the results online -- before you even tell your partner, best friend or obstetrician.

The newest craze to hit YouTube is "WombTubes," videos that bring the good -- or in some cases, not so good -- news to the world live.

It's an emotionally-charged trend, with more than 50,000 viewers watching some videos, according to Slate writer Marisa Meltzer.

"Even though we've never met, I saw Kasey announce her pregnancy before she told her best friend, or her mom, or her husband, and even before her missed period," Meltzer writes on the website. "I watched her dip a First Response in a cup of urine in her bathroom at home in Arizona and saw the faint second line slowly appear. So have several thousand people who've watched the clip on YouTube, where she posted it."

Kasey's good news video underscores this trend, where women hole up in their bathrooms to capture the telltale faint pink double lines or plus signs as they squeal or cry with delight and disbelief, Slate reports.

"It's rare to find a video d! epicting a reaction to a negative test result at all, and the few women who post their non-pregnant status are devastated," Meltzer writes. "They post these videos to prove to the world how committed they are to having babies."

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