Teen Victim of Brutal Beating Lives to Talk Forgiveness

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On June 20, 18-year-old Carter Strange hurried home to make his curfew. Little did he know, his race against the clock soon would be the least of his worries.

As Strange headed toward his house in Columbia, S.C., a group of eight teens, ranging in age from 13 to 19, viciously attacked him, fracturing his skull. When Strange didn't show up at home, his parents, John and Vicki Strange began to monitor his cell phone use online, "Today" reports.

When they began seeing suspicious activity, they went into a panic mode. And, after a long time of not knowing where Carter was, his parents were finally called to the hospital.

Upon arrival, Vicki Strange recalls feeling sorry for an injured man on a gurney.

"I saw his hands and realized that was Carter; I didn't recognize him," she tells "Today."

Police say surveillance cameras captured the teens before the attack attempting to capture and rob four others earlier that night.

And, although none of the suspects have made a plea yet, the defense is saying they are "basically good kids who did a very bad thing," according to "Today."

Carter's father disagrees. This isn't the first time several of the suspects have been in trouble, and John Strange claims they are just making excuses. During a court appearance, he says forgiveness may be in the future, but "I don't have that in my heart right now."

As he appeared on "Today" wounded and bandaged, Carter expressed that he does his best to not think about his attackers.

"I don't know about forgiveness, but I don't really think about it that much," he tells the news show.

The city of Columbia is now considering a new curfew for teens 17 and younger.

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