Don't Invite Your Mom to the Job Interview (and Other Tips)

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It's one thing being a helicopter mom ... Credit: Getty Images

"Mooom! I am 48 years old! I think I can apply for a job without your help. No, I do not think it helps for you to tell the CEO that I am a 'good boy.' "

Don't be embarrassed.

A lot of well-meaning but misguided parents have done a lot worse things to humiliate their children on the job trail.

One mother called a job interviewer [during the job interview] to lobby for her son. Another stopped a potential boss at the grocery store to press her daughter's case.

Executives at OfficeTeam, a staffing service specializing in the placement of administrative professionals, asked employers to share their best (or worst) examples of meddling parents. Here, according to an OfficeTeam press release, are some of the responses:

o. "One parent wanted to sit in during the interview."

o. "A parent called a politician to push me to hire his son."

o. "A mother submitted her daughter's resume on her behalf."

o. "A parent called to ask about a job applicant's work schedule and salary."

o. "I received a call from a father asking about the status of his son's application."

o. "A parent came by my desk and told me that he expected his daughter to get preference for a position since he was a manager at the company."

o. "A mother called to ask how her child did in the job interview."

o. "A parent called to find out why we did not hire her son and why we felt he was not qualified."

"Although most parents mean well, those wh! o become overly involved in a child's job search can derail their son or daughter's prospects of being hired because companies may question the applicant's level of independence and maturity," Robert Hosking, executive director of OfficeTeam, says in the release. "New graduates should steer their parents away from direct contact with potential employers and toward behind-the-scenes guidance and networking assistance."

Some behind-the-scenes ways parents can help, according to OfficeTeam:

o. Networking. A parent's friends and colleagues can help set up introductory meetings with employers and alert you to opportunities.

o. Counseling. Have parents review your resume and cover letter. They can spot typos and other errors and make sure the most valuable information is included. Use your parents as a sounding board about potential opportunities.

o. Practicing. Conduct mock interviews with parents to practice responses to common questions. Ask for constructive feedback on your answers and delivery.

Finally, looking for a job can be difficult, OfficeTeam execs say. It's important to remain positive. Seek parental advice and support throughout the process to keep on track.

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