Will Work for Food Sign Pays Off for Unemployed Australian Mom

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unemployed mom

This Australian mom got a lot of responses for her cause. Credit: Getty Images

Most guidance counselors will tell you offering to work for food by holding a cardboard sign on the side of the road is not an effective method of professional networking.

What do they know?

It paid off for an out-of-work mother in Australia. The offers have been pouring in.

Of course, the Warwick Daily News near Brisbane reports it helps that 37-year-old Jodie Luke caught the attention of a local radio station. The station's managers let her make her plea on the air.

The former cook tells the Warwick Daily News she and her husband have been unemployed most of the year. Yet, she got four job offers after her radio stint May 20.

One of them was at a chicken ranch. Another was at a cucumber farm. Not exactly her dream jobs.

"I'm looking for something in customer service or retail," she tells the newspaper. "I'm a people person."

She adds she was more intrigued by offers to work for a kindergarten program and mobile catering service.

Luke and her husband have six children -- ages 16 months, 3, 5, 10, 14 and 17 -- to feed.

"I just want a wage because at the moment I receive nothing," she tells the newspaper. ""I have received a lot of support from my mother over the last few months. I owe her a lot and I just want to be able to pay her back."

One radio listener didn't have a job to offer, but he did offer to replace the worn-out tires on her car. Other listeners have replaced some the appliances and other items the family lost in a flood.

"I'm very happy with the response," she tells the Daily News. "I! 'm glad I did this."

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