Learn what your partner loves

The wife loves cooking. What is more, she loves discussing recipes. But, living in a nuclear family has its' disadvantages.

She aspires to talk about food with her hubby, the only presence in her flat. But her man cannot differentiate between cabbage and cauliflower as long as they are not ready for consumption. Shouldn't the husband learn the craft of making food at least to such an extent that he can have a meaningful chat with his wife?

Logically speaking, yes. But the husband might counter the thought by saying that, if he doesn't know how to cook, his wife knows nothing about cricket. The guy, on the other hand, is so besotted with the game that he dreams of dying with a cricket bat in his hand! Whenever he tries to talk to his wife about the merits of watching the game, she reacts with a disinterested 'I don't know why you guys are so obsessed with this game with a bat and a ball.'

Relationships in which the husband and wife have diverse interests are very common. Such relationships can work reasonably well also. But, as Sanjana, a working journalist who is a passionate cook, says, "I would have been so much happier if my husband showed some interest in cooking. He loves to eat. But that is it." Sanjana, on the other hand, has learned the game of football ever since she got married. Today, she knows the names of players from Real Madrid and Manchester United like the proverbial back of her hand. But her hubby continues to be indifferent to the goings on the within the kitchen. That, kind of, saddens her.

Consultant psychiatrist Dr Swapnil Deshmukh says, "In a long-term relationship, partners need to adjust to their spouses' likes and dislikes. It is important to try the activity that the partner enjoys. For example, if the husband enjoys watching cricket, and the wife makes an effort to do the same, the couple can connect on a personal level. This makes a lot of difference."

A relationship may not run into earth-shattering problems ! if the h usband and wife pursue completely different interests. But if each of them endeavours to experience the passion of the other, life can be a little more beautiful.


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