Are you a jerk magnet? Take this test

Maybe you're the one with a problem personality. Take this quiz to find out why you attract the wrong kind of attention

A Score 2

B Score 5

C Score 10

1 Describe yourself:
- God's gift to the opposite sex
- A great listening post
- A martyr

2 What attracts you in a partner?
- An assertive, cocky personality
- Quirks and flaws
- A wild streak

3 What interests do you hope to share with your partner?
- Movies and music
- Impulsive and unplanned trips/ dates
- Wild parties that involve generous doses of the drinkie

4 Recount a strange experience while someone asked you out:
- At a funeral
- Outside the loo in a bar
- Someone told you he/ she'd dreamt you'd be together

5 How many relationships would you like to admit you have had?
- One. We've been together forever.
- Three-five. I am in the peak of my dating career
- Who's keeping score anyway?

6 Your last our last relationship ended because:
- It was a mutual decision based on several compelling factors
- You met someone else
- He cheated on you

7 On your last three dates, who picked up the tab?
- He/ she offered but how could I accept?
- Is that a rhetorical question?
- You

8 Do you tend to be disappointed with set-ups because:
- Your date is too religious
- Your date doesn't match your standards.
- Your date is too clingy/ needy. You're not his mother!

9 In retrospect, the guys/ girls you dated were:
- Decent chaps, reliable if a tad predictable
- Creative, but moody
- Repressed and prone to be emotionally abusive

10 In retrospect, the real reason your past relationships didn't work was because your partners were:
- Nice, but weak
- Insensitive jerks from hell
- Commitmentphobes

Your score based on your scor! e your r elationship quotient is:
38-55 You're not the freak
You're quite sorted about what you're looking for and your priorities are in place. Your jerk magnet radar is working fine and you're alert for potential disasters. Your threshold for pain is low. Go with the same instinct and it will end up in a rewarding relationship

56-100 Err...questionable
You're self-centred and are yet to learn how to give equally in a relationship. In the process, you tend to overlook certain good qualities of your partner. Your standards may be too high and getting a reality check might be a good idea. Analyse what you expect from a relationship and find a middle ground. When you learn to centre yourself, only then can you attract a normal mate.

101-140 That's a yes!
You're devastatingly and magnetically attracted to people who are wrong for you. Either it's a deep seated self-esteem issue or you have commitment phobia, leading you to deliberately pick people you're not going to end up in a stable relationship with. Therapy may not be a bad idea.
