Healthy women have ovaries removed to prevent cancer: Doctors say more should
When Nikki Baker woke up from surgery following the removal of her ovaries, she describes feeling an enormous sense of relief.
Its an understandable emotion for any woman diagnosed with ovarian cancer or even one enduring a traumatic menopause who wants the troublesome reproductive organs taken out.
Yet when Nikkis ovaries were removed not only was there nothing wrong with them, at 38, she was also years away from the menopause. Despite this, Nikki firmly believes that she had no choice but to undergo the procedure, known as an oophorectomy.
Drastic: Emma Parlons, left, said she did it for her children, while Janet Bailey, right, had fears that she'd inherit illness
Its the sort of drastic action that Professor Gareth Evans, an expert in genetic medicine, advocates for people like Nikki in order to potentially save their life.
Earlier this month he took the bold step of declaring that women with a family history of ovarian can! cer shou ld have theirs removed as a preventative measure.
Having spent the best part of a decade fearing that the ovarian cancer which claimed her mother Di, a magistrate, at the age of 52 would kill her too, Nikki, a health worker from North London, made the radical move advocated by Professor Evans. She says: My mother was diagnosed in 1996, it was too late for her but she made me promise from that day that I would get monitored and tested regularly.
I was only 28 at the time and far too young to undergo surgery, but by the time I was 38 I felt differently. My husband James and I were already blessed with our daughter, Laura, 11, and we didnt want any more children.
Once, at an appointment with my consultant over another matter, I broke down in tears because I was so worried that one day Id develop ovarian cancer. When he suggested removing my ovaries as a preventative measure I discussed it with James and I havent looked back. Its liberating knowing Im no longer at risk.
Nikkis decision is certainly a brave one, but was she being too overly cautious in removing perfectly healthy organs just in case? Professor Evans of the Genesis Prevention Centre in Manchester thinks not. He says: Removing the ovaries and Fallopian tubes reduces the risk of developing ovarian cancer by over 90 per cent.
We cant say it reduces it 100 per cent because there may still be a small chance that tiny particles of ovary may be left behind and will develop as a tumour in the abdomen, but its still a massive reduction of risk.
Risk: An American study showed that removing ovaries could lead to dementia later in life
Theres very little chance of developing the disease before the age of 40, but it increases after this age. Whats more, evidence shows that having your ovaries removed at 40 halves the risk of developing breast cancer, too. As for the paradox a! bout rem oving healthy tissue, the ovaries are not that healthy if the woman carries the BRCA gene mutation as they are already likely to carry cells that are just waiting to develop into cancer.
For Nikki, the option to be genetically screened wasnt available unless she took part in a research project, so she took matters into her own hands.
As I couldnt be screened on the NHS, I paid around 200 every year for scans to make sure my ovaries were healthy.
Each time I went to the clinic I was terrified. My grandmother had some kind of gynaecological cancer, although she survived, and my mother had ovarian cancer which eventually killed her, so it was always an anxious time. The decision to have surgery ended all that. The day after the operation I remember thinking it was wonderful that I wasnt going to have to have a check every year and be nervous about whether Id left it too long.
According to the charity Target Ovarian Cancer, around 10 per cent of the 6,500 cases of ovarian cancer diagnosed each year are due to an inherited genetic fault. In many of these cases the women will have carried faulty BRCA1 or BCRA2 genes which are also responsible for familial breast cancer. These are genes that we all carry but, if they are identified as being mutant or faulty, then the chances of developing cancer are increased by as much as 60 per cent.
Ovarian cancer is rare, but when a woman has two or more cases on the same side of her family, especially when diagnosed under the age of 50, this risk soars to 40 per cent.
'It was a really easy keyhole operation and I would encourage any woman who is concerned about it to have it done'
It was this fact that prompted Emma Parlons, 39, a married mother-of-two from St Johns Wood, North London, to get tested two years ago.
My first cousin has had different cancers six or seven times and something prompted her to be tested for any faulty BRCA genes, says Emma.
When it came out p! ositive, it prompted the rest of us to look at our family tree and we could see that my fathers three sisters had all died very young of breast or ovarian cancer.
After this revelation, my mother asked me if I should get a blood test, to find out if I too was carrying what many refer to as the Ashkenazi gene because people of the Ashkenazi (Eastern European) Jewish heritage are more likely to have mutations in these genes than members of the general population.
At first, Emma decided she would rather live in blissful ignorance, but when her father tested positive for the gene meaning Emma had a 50/50 chance of carrying it herself she changed her mind. I realised how selfish my original decision was. As the mother of a daughter aged six and a son aged five, if I could do something to drastically reduce the chances of getting sick, surely I should do that?
Emma tested positive for BRCA gene mutation in 2009.
I visited several top consultants and felt that my first move was to have a pre-emptive mastectomy in January 2010, she says. I remember hearing about women having these operations years ago and thinking they were crazy. But once Id had it done, I felt so empowered. The next step to have an oophorectomy was even easier. My husband, Jeremy, and I knew we didnt want more children and so I couldnt honestly see a reason to keep my ovaries.
It was a really easy keyhole operation and I would encourage any woman who is concerned about it to have it done. Im now on a plant-based HRT which sorts out the hot flushes and other menopausal symptoms and I feel absolutely fine.
Of course, there are risks. Healthy ovaries produce oestrogen and progesterone. As oestrogen helps protect women against heart disease its thought that removing them may put women at a higher risk of cardiovascular problems.
Indeed, a study reported in The Journal Of Obstetrics And Gynaecology in 2009 found that although ovarian cancer was reduced, the risk of a woman developing h! eart dis ease and stroke nearly doubled.
I remember thinking: What on earth have I done to myself?
Whats more, an American study in 2008 found that removing healthy ovaries may increase the risk of dementia in later life, although other studies have contradicted this.
There is a lot of conflicting data out there and in my opinion every woman needs to evaluate the risk and the benefits very carefully, says consultant gynaecologist and oncologist Mr Khalil Razvi. But what you need to remember is that there is no way to detect ovarian cancer in the early stages. However, there are ways to screen for the other risks such as heart disease and osteoporosis and ways to manage them if you do develop them.
As for dementia, there is not enough evidence to say that having your ovaries removed increases your risk. But family history of such conditions is something that every patient needs to consider if they are thinking of having the operation.
These risks didnt put off Janet Bailey from having the surgery. The 43-year-old teacher from Warrington, Cheshire, lost her grandmother Evelyn in 1981 and her mother Jacqueline last December to the disease.
Janet says she feels nothing but relief that her own daughters, Jessica, 20, Emily, 18, and Sophie, 17, will not lose their own mum to ovarian cancer because she had her organs removed.
I was young when my grandmother got it, says Janet. I remember her looking like she was pregnant a swollen abdomen is one of the symptoms of the disease but she never spoke about it. She had a full hysterectomy and chemotherapy but died aged 60 a year later. It was only in 2005 when my own mum was diagnosed with the same thing at the age of 59 that we realised there could be a link and we were referred to the genetics department at Alder Hay hospital in Liverpool.
Both women tested positive for a protein called CA 125, which is often found in women with ovarian cancer. Mums levels were very high and mine were rea! sonably high, so we knew I was at risk too, says Janet. I was given several options by the doctors, but one look at Mum going through her chemotherapy made me opt for the full hysterectomy.
I woke up from the operation and the first thing that hit me was the hot flushes, remembers Janet. At first I thought it was just the fact that the hospital was warm and I was laying on plastic sheets but it was the menopause kicking in straight away.
I remember thinking: What on earth have I done to myself? Plus, I later found out that the biopsies of the ovaries were completely healthy. There was no sign of cancer at all. It took around ten weeks for me to feel like myself again, when the doctors had sorted out the HRT.
After four years, though, Janet has no regrets at all. We were devastated when Mum died but the legacy she has left is that the whole family are very much aware of what we might be up against in the future.
Mum did such a great job raising awareness with the North West Cancer Research Fund charity and it means my girls her granddaughters are now in a position to make the decision for themselves as to whether they get tested in the future.
The current rules at our hospital are that you cant be tested for CA 125 until you are over 35, but at least they now have the option. It will affect their lives in so many ways.
It might mean that they decide to have their children earlier because they know they might have to face this in their late 30s. Although thats horrible to think about now, at least we are forewarned and forearmed.