Women get more pleasure from buying a handbag than any other item

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Popular item: Dakota Fanning likes handbags so much she carries two of them around with her

For many women, handbags are the most expensive items on our shopping list - but they are also the most satisfying purchase, a survey has revealed.

The pleasure associated with snapping up the perfect arm candy even outweighs the thrill of spending money on a glitzy pair of heels.

One in four women said they enjoyed buying a smart bag to buying dressy shoes.

It makes sense. Handbags are the accessory that we use the most, and they need to go with every outfit weown so there is a lot of satisfaction in finding the perfect bag.

A summer dress and a well-fitting pair of jeans were among the other items which women were 'excited' to buy.

Beauty products and underwear also made the top ten, and three quarters of women admitted they couldn't wait to try out new make-up after making a purchase.

The survey of 2,000 women was commissioned by Saveme4later.com to mark the launch of their new shopping app which lets you save adverts you like so that you don't forget them.

Spokesman Dermot Dennehy said: 'Everyone knows that women love shopping but it's interesting to see what items women get the most pleasure from buying.

'And anyone who has ever seen a woman on payday knows how much pleasure a women gets from splashing their cash on something they have had their eye on for a while.

'Seeing something you fancy in a magazine advert means you often have days or weeks to think about it before you get paid and can afford it.'

Eighty one per cent of women agreed theywere more careful with their money now than they were five years ago. As a result they are more likely to feel a deep sense of satisfaction when they do buy something new.

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The report found rather than 'splashing the cash' impulsively, most women now spend time carefully considering their purchase before parting with their money.

In fact, buying a handbag can mean two trips to the shops before the item is bought and paid for.

The most thought goes in to buying a winter coat, while underwear is the item that women are most likely to buy on a whim.


  • Handbag
  • Shoes
  • Summer dresses
  • Concert tickets
  • Jeans
  • Jewellery
  • Little black dress
  • Chocolates
  • Underwear
  • Beauty products
  • A large percentage of women also said saving up and planning to buy the item created a sense of anticipation and made the experience more pleasurable.

    Nearly a third admitted tearing out pictures of items and adverts they see in magazines to remind them of desired items. And three in ten women said they have hunted down an item of clothing after seeing it in an advert.

    D! ennehy s aid: 'We are bombarded with over 254 adverts all day and often forget where we saw the advert and where to buy the items advertising; the perfect gift item for a friend, the latest product from our favourite beauty brand or a great weekly supermarket offer and it's frustrating to miss out or forget.

    'This also means that men have no excuses when it comes to getting the perfect gift as they can subtly save the items their partner likes and go back and look at them later.'


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