Justin Bieber 'fathered Mariah Yeater's baby? Never!' Say teen idol's 'other father and mother'
His 16million adoring female fans are on tenterhooks.
Faced with a 20-year-old woman's claim that their idol Justin Bieber fathered her baby, they are worried about the potential results of the imminent paternity test.
The 17-year-old singer will visit a laboratory to provide the necessary DNA sample when he returns from a European concert tour this week.
Close: Justin Bieber and Ryan Butler playing a game together on their mobile phones
But in his Canadian home town of Stratford, Ontario, the British-born couple he calls his 'other father and mother' are already sure he is not the father. Martin and Sharon Butler took Justin under their wing when he was just five and he sat next to their eldest son Ryan at primary school. And today they tell their story for the first time in an exclusive interview with The Mail on Sunday.
Low-profile: Justin keeps it under his hat, spotted out in London last night
Justin's natural mother, Pattie Mallette, became pregnant with him when she herself was 17 during a brief relationship with Jeremy Bieber, a young carpenter and martial arts enthusiast with a criminal record for assault. The Butlers stepped in, along with Pattie's mother, to provide what they describe as 'additional parenting' when Pattie found herself unable to c! ope.
Martin, a 43-year-old IBM software specialist who emigrated to Canada from Walsall in the West Midlands, and his wife Sharon, who is from Birmingham, offered their son's lonely little friend a spare bed in their house in Stratford and taught him 'old-fashioned British principles'.
They are convinced that his accuser, Mariah Yeater, is an unscrupulous gold-digger with designs on the 60million fortune that Justin has amassed as 'the new Beatle'.
'We all knew that something like this would be coming sooner or later that some woman would see dollar signs and try to shake him down,' Martin says. 'We gave Justin the boundaries he might not otherwise have had. We taught him to respect women and he has been coached by his handlers on the importance of beingcareful and resolute. There is no way that what this woman claims ever happened.'
Support: Ryan Butler, second left, with his family, Sharon, Mitchell, Kieran and Martin
When Justin first met the Butlers, they lived in a modest, modern semi in a middle-class area of Stratford. It was a short walk from the rough block where Just! in grew up, but to the little boy it must have seemed like a different world.
The couple now live in a detached house in a quiet cul-de-sac. Martin retains his flat Midlands accent. Sharon, who emigrated with her family as a child, has a Canadian twang. But the couple have clung to their English lifestyle. Sharon brews me a cup of Typhoo tea while Martin chats about Aston Villa's fortunes he has a collection of 100 replica shirts, one of which he is wearing.
'Justin and Ryan would talk about the team but only to pacify me,' Martin says. 'They were more into watching Manchester United. Ryan is an England supporter when the World Cup is on and I think it's rubbed off on Justin. When he met David Beckham early on in his career, I was the first person he called. He said, You'll never guess who I met!'
He confides that Ryan and Justin were invited to train with Barcelona last April. 'Justin was playing in Barcelona and the players' kids wanted to meet him,' Martin says. 'He and Ryan were thrilled.'
Girlfriend: Justin Bieber with Selena Gomez at the Teen Choice 2011 event in California
Ryan, now also 17, still lives at home, and is finishing high school. An aspiring movie director, he has already been promised a reference by a Hollywood film-maker he met on a set with Justin. He is still the singer's closest male friend and had just been on holiday with him to Los Angeles when Yeater appalled millions of 'Beliebers' as Justin's female disciples are known with her claim.
'Justin never mentioned her to me and I am certain he'd never even heard of her,' Ryan says angrily. 'It's just stupid that people even think this could have happened.
'He would never screw up his life by having sex with ! some str ange girl in a bathroom. It's not him. Every kid in Stratford knows about birth control and we were brought up not to have sex randomly. Sex is something that waits until you are the right age and you are sure it is the right thing to do.
'Justin, in particular, knows that 17 is too young to have the responsibility of supporting a family. He knows what happened to his own mother after she got pregnant with him and he knows how she struggled and he would never repeat her mistakes.'
Ryan, who has two brothers, Mitchell, 13, and Kieran, five, adds: 'Justin had a lot of fun when he was growing up, being with our family and seeing how it can be. He wants to get married by the time he is 25 and to have kids with a girl he loves. I don't need to ask him whether this woman is telling the truth. I know she isn't.'
The singer who is dating 19-year-old American actress Selena Gomez has made no secret of the fact that he comes from a poor family but his clean-cut looks have diverted attention from the disadvantages he has overcome. Now a born-again Christian, his mother gave a rambling talk on a local radio station in 2008 in which she said she was sexually abused when she was five.
'My biological father had abused my mother for about ten years before he passed away so it was just a lot of tension in the home,' she said. 'There was a lot of hurt. My sister was killed by a car when she was five. When I became a teenager, I started exploring drugs and alcohol. I was pretty much high or drunk from the time I woke up to the time I went to bed.'
At 17, she tried to commit suicide, hurling herself in front of a lorry, but the driver slammed on the brakes and she survived. After treatment in a mental health ward, she joined an evangelical church and dried out. Eight months later, she relapsed. 'I ended up going to church a little bit less and a little bit less, and I ended up pregnant,' she said.
Proud: Justin Bieber's mother Pattie and father Jeremy in the audience at the 53rd Grammy Awards at the Staples Center in Los Angeles in 2009
At 19, Justin's father Jeremy was already a notorious troublemaker, known to the police for his heavy drinking and fighting. Pattie separated from him in April 1995, when Justin was 13 months old, and applied for sole custody.
In February 1997 three weeks before Justin's third birthday the couple agreed that Jeremy would have visitation rights. He promised to refrain from drinking or taking 'non-prescription drugs' while he was with the boy. But his problems with the law continued. In October 1997 he was sentenced to 90 days in jail for assault. Two years later, he breached probation and was sentenced to consecutive jail terms totalling 51 days.
'Justin knows all about his dad's past,' says Ryan. 'He was teased by the other kids. He combated it by working really hard to be good at sports basketball, hockey, soccer. He did so well he made the other kids jealous. They thought he was cocky. They didn't like him. I was his only true friend.'
Pattie and her son lived in a tiny rented flat in a dreary five-story council block. 'It was so small that Justin had to keep his bike in the kitchen,' recalls Ryan.
Pattie had to put out traps to control the mice. For meals, there was luncheon meat or instant macaroni and cheese. Justin's bed doubled up as a settee when Pattie's friends came round, some of them with their guitars. It was Justin's introduction to music.
'When I met Pattie, she was 23 but she looked about 15,' Ryan recalls. 'I thought she was his sister. For a mother, she seemed really lenient.'

Accuser: Mariah Yeater holds baby Tristyn during an interview on CBS show The Insider broadcast on November 7
Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez went fully public with their romance at the Billboard Music Awards
When Pattie found a job as a night-shift office worker, Justin's maternal grandmother and her second husband would take turns with the Butlers to look after the boy. 'Sometimes Justin would sleep over with us, sometimes at his grandparents,' Martin says. 'He probably spent 80 per cent of his life with them.
'When Justin came to our house, he learned our old-fashioned British rules and principles, like respect for people opening the door for a lady, using proper language and being polite and saying Good morning and Please and Thank you.'
Martin does the cooking and his favourite recipes include bangers and mash. 'I can't say I remember Justin ever expressing any particular taste for English food,' he says. 'But when he had supper with us, he was taught how to use a knife and fork.'
Martin was able to lay down the law because he coached Justin at soccer. 'He was a bit of an imp but he knew that if he misbehaved he wasn't going to play. I'd say my greatest influence on Justin was from when he was ten until he was 13 the formative years for any boy.'
At his own home, the atmosphere was chaotic, according to a family friend. 'When he was as young as nine and spent the night at home, he'd sometimes have to fend for himself because Pattie suffered ! from mig raines and couldn't get up,' the friend said.
Mariah Yeater, 20, poses for her mugshot after being arrrested violent behaviour in 2010 in Las Vegas, Nevada
'His grandfather didn't encourage him to spend any time with his father,' says Martin. 'He was worried that Jeremy was a destructive influence. It was always said that Justin would either make it big or he'd end up in jail.'
The fragile-looking youngster, who inherited a slender frame from 4ft 8in Pattie, had started to 'play drums' when he was two. 'He would beat the cushions on an old chair,' says Ryan. 'He had a natural ear for music. He was totally self-taught. At first he kept it to himself that he could sing.
'I learned about it when I heard him singing around our house. He started busking. He was so good that one night he made $500 [310], and he used the money to take his mom on her first trip to Florida. He was 12 when he entered our local singing competition and came second. His mom was just so proud. She posted the video on YouTube so family she has in northern Ontario could see him.'
A 25-year-old ex-party promoter, Scott 'Scooter' Braun, who had just launched his own record label in Atlanta, spotted the video, and introduced him to the R'n'B star Usher who was, at first, unimpressed. 'But Justin said, Let me sing for you! and he sang one of Usher's own songs to him,' says Ryan. Usher introduced the boy to the US recording mogul and X Factor judge L.A. Reid.
'At first, Reid said there was no market for him because he was too young, but a couple of months later, he signed him,' says Ryan. 'When he said he was going to have to move to Atlanta to work, it wasn't a good feeling but I said, Yo! u're my friend and I guess you have to go there to do what you want.'
Eight weeks ago, Justin visited Ryan's family and the two friends took part in a soccer match. Before he boarded a plane back to the States, the singer hugged Sharon Butler. 'He's the same boy we always knew,' she says. 'He said, Sharon, you're my other mom.'
But Mariah Yeater was about to surface. She claims she met Justin after a performance at the Staples arena in Los Angeles on October 25, 2010. 'He told me he wanted to make love to me and that this was going to be his first time,' she declared. Nine months after the purported encounter which she says took place on a bathroom 'shelf' she brags that she gave birth to his baby. She is demanding 8,000 a month in child support.
Yeater had told another man he was the boy's father and never mentioned Justin to relatives with whom she stayed during her pregnancy.
Ryan says: 'Her story makes no sense. A girl could only get near to Justin if she won a VIP pass from a radio station or bought one and even then she'd interact with him only at a meet-and-greet session.'
Justin has denied ever meeting Yeater. He observed recently: 'I don't want to grow up too quickly and do anything that's not smart.'
'I'm going to ignore the rumours,' he added in a tweet to fans. 'Judge me on the music! Love y'all.'
'He has a lot of good people around him, including us and Ryan, who will keep him grounded,' Martin vows.