Proof you can't hold back the years, Demi

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Actress Demi Moore flaunts her 'youthful' body

Actress Demi Moore flaunts her 'youthful' body

Announcing her divorce from her cheating husband, Demi Moore said: As a woman, a mother and a wife, there are certain vows I hold sacred.
Did she mean the vows to keep her body young and her plastic surgeons number by her side?

The end of her six-year marriage after repeated allegations of Ashton Kutchers infidelity comes as no surprise. From the very beginning, despite the Hollywood spin of the perfect match that was put out daily on her Twitter feed, this was a car crash waiting to happen.

Not because Mr Demi Moore was serially unfaithful, but because a woman of 41 the age she was when she and Ashton got together was never going to hold on to a handsome young boy of 25.

Marriages with an age gap can work, but usually when the couples are older and only when the two people involved behave like grown-ups.

But this is more than just another Hollywood break-up.

Demi Moore was a totem, a standard bearer for women of a certain age who believed they could have it all. She was the ultimate Cougar, the older woman who could snare any young man she wanted.

Age did not constrain her, not with a cosmetic surgeon and countless millions at her beck and call. She did not grow older as we grew older.

She was living proof you could hold back the years. Except, it turns out that she couldnt. As yesterdays divorce announcement proves.

This is a salutary moment for those of us who, at some level, have bought into the modern myth of eternal youth the notion that you can pay for a new face, new body or even a new baby when your! e too ol d to have one.

It shows that, however rich you are, you cannot defy nature. Demi reportedly spent nearly 1million on cosmetic surgery procedures but it still wasnt enough to buy her a lasting relationship.

Successful marriages are mostly born of a shared history, of raising children together, of memories, the joys and the hardships, and the pleasure of looking at your partner in the morning and being able to count each others wrinkles and laughter lines.

In the end, Ashton preferred the excitement of sharing a hot tub with a bunch of groupies half Demis age (and having sex with at least one of them afterwards) to joining his ageing wife in her desperate search for spiritual fulfilment.

There isnt a surgeon in the world who can change that.

The leader of Liverpool council is suffering sleepless nights contemplating the cutting of the 900,000 grant to the annual Beatles-themed Mathew Street music festival. Since its one of the most deprived areas in the country, youd have thought he had more pressing problems on his mind.

Adrianas secret agony

Adriana Lima on the catwalk, Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, New York

Adriana Lima on the catwalk, Victoria's Secret Fashion Show, New York

Victoria's Secrets top lingerie model Adriana Lima (left) reveals how she gets in shape for the catwalk before a fashion show.

Her twice-daily, hour-long training sessions include stomach curls and inverted crunches.

Oh, and for the last nine days before the show she eats nothing and drinks only protein shakes and green juice.

On the final day, she stops drinking completely, to flatten her stomach. If thats Victorias secret, count me out.

I'm puzzled by persistent calls for Fifa president Sepp Blatter to resign, despite his apology yesterday! . Id hav e thought an arrogant, tweeting, macho, money-grubbing yob like the appalling John Terry was the perfect ambassador for modern football.

There is universal outrage as a thug is given just 18 weeks in jail for beating his girlfriends kitten to death then throwing it out of the window. Cat-lover as I am, I cant help but think the greater outrage is the derisory 23-week sentence the brute Daniel Moran received for causing serious injuries to his girlfriend herself by repeatedly smashing her in the face.

Winnings strictly for the young

I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here star Alex Jones

I'm a Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here star Alex Jones

I'm A Celebrity . . . Get Me Out Of Here! trumpeted the fact they had older women in their new series, including Lorraine Chase, 68, and Stefanie Powers, 69.

But if Strictly Come Dancing is anything to go by, the older a woman is, the faster she gets booted off.

Edwina Currie, 65, first off; then Nancy DellOlio, best guess 50 to 60; then, Lulu, 63. And last weekend Anita Dobson, 62, had a narrow escape after finding herself in the bottom two.

The programme-makers can put these oldies in, but only the viewers can keep them there. The youthful curves of Holly Valance and Chelsee Healey win every time.

Even the beautiful Alex Jones, 34 who sadly rumbas like Red Rum is still in with a chance.

Newly engaged and pregnant, Chantelle Houghton says her fianc Alex Reid laughed at her because I thought the sun and the moon were the same thing. As long as this Celebrity Big Brother dimwit continues to think that they both shine out of him, they have a happy future ahead.

Sir Bruce Fo!  rsyth

Sir Bruce Forsyth

Scientists are amazed they have found the missing link between ape and Man.

The two-million-year-old fossil has a huge overhanging forehead, jutting jaw and bears a remarkable resemblance to Sir Bruce Forsyth and his jokes are almost as old.

Just a spoilt little rich kid

Having served just a quarter of his sentence for swinging on the Cenotaph flag while high on drink and drugs, Charlie Gilmour, 21, walks out of jail straight into his multi-millionaire dads chauffeur-driven car.

When Gilmour arrived back at the familys 2.6million seaside home, the chauffeur carried his bags inside.

Charlie Gilmour arriving at Kingston Crown Court with his father David Gilmour and mother Polly

Charlie Gilmour arriving at Kingston Crown Court with his father David Gilmour and mother Polly

A local taxi driver defended Charlie, saying: He was a nice kid. Id like to know his reasons for doing it.

He should know, because he used to drive him to school every day. Charlie is nothing more than a spoilt little rich boy. Mystery solved.

Disappointing X Factor judge Kelly Rowland suddenly reveals that the pain of her rift with her abusive, alcoholic father is still raw, but she hopes for a reconciliation at Christmas.

Oh, for the days when it was just the shows wannabes who had to give tearjerking interviews to keep them in the headlines.

The tragic cost of following the rules

When you learn that a 44-year-old mother was abandoned to a terrible death because firemen citing health and safety issues refused to rescue her after shed fallen 45ft down a mineshaft, you lose all faith in humanity.

Alison Hume was found by her teenage daughter, who raised the alarm. She lay with a broken sternum and ribs an! d a coll apsed lung in freezing conditions while firemen dithered, awaiting instructions.

Lawyer Alison Hume could have survived if rank and file firefighters at the scene had been allowed to do their job and bring her out, said Sheriff Desmond Leslie.

Lawyer Alison Hume could have survived if rank and file firefighters at the scene had been allowed to do their job and bring her out, said Sheriff Desmond Leslie.

One fireman had been lowered to her while a paramedic was ready to follow with a harness. But bosses refused to use a winch to get her out because they were slavishly following rules saying it could be used only to save their own staff.

By the time the appropriate equipment arrived eight hours later, it was too late. When she was finally brought to the surface, she suffered a fatal heart attack brought on by hypothermia.

Our firemen are rightly revered, yet who among us would have chosen to follow the rules and leave a woman to die, rather than follow our conscience.

The irrepressible Nancy DellOlio is writing a guide to passion, including tips on how to use food to spice up your sex life. Tip one: call Harrods Food Hall.

Militant teachers are planning to work to rule. They will not prepare lessons, mark homework, write reports or chase truants. Given the shameful levels of truancy and illiteracy in thousands of our failing state schools, wholl notice the difference?

Westminster Noticeboard...

+ Sanctimonious socialists Neil and Glenys Kinnock say they are to give their 200 pensioners winter fuel allowance to the poor, and encourage others to do the same.

As theyve already received more than 10million in pay, allowances and pensions riding the EU gravy train, its hardly a case of each according to their means.

+ Theresa May and Ken C! larke ki ss and make-up at the Spectator Awards ceremony after their spat over an illegal immigrant who used his cat as part of his reason to stay in the UK.

Accepting a stuffed kitten as a prize for the best political partnership, the Home Secretary said they now had a good working relationship. Referring to prisoners she said: I lock them up and he lets them out. Round one, Mrs May.


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